
What I help with

I help individuals, teams, and organizations around the world stretch their thinking and doing.

Making for Action

In today's VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world, you know that Decision-making and taking action are today’s secret edge of great leaders and successful companies. Decision-making is one of the most powerful and sought-after skills at any level, for any reason. You see that the lack of making decisions in your organization has slowed or stopped business growth. Or, decisions are made, yet you are stalled, with no impactful actions. Each division, department, team is awaiting critical decisions and actions in order to move forward. You want people in your team and in your organization to build this skill because you need to move forward. .

Be a skilled Decision-maker and Decisive Leader in today's VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world. Accelerate your own better decisions, better actions and those of others.

& Influence

You know that the greatest and most successful leaders are those who know how to ethically influence people. Leaders are made. Leaders are needed at each and every level of an organization. You know that “manager” does not mean the same as “leader”. You aspire to be a great leader. Or, you are a great leader and wish to significantly increase your influencing skills in pursuit of further challenges.

Be Influential and ethically impact people’s behaviours. Speak more persuasively. Whether your stakeholders are internal or external to your organization, learning and applying specific Influencing skills will positively impact results and your career.


NEUROLEADERSHIP at WORK®: Engagement has changed, significantly. Top organizations know that simply investing in Management by Talent does not benefit the entire organization today. In over the past decade, focus on top performers has not resulted in the quantity and quality of advancements that are necessary or wanted in today’s marketplace. Rather, success today is seen where the age of social engagement has boldly replaced single investments on sole individuals. Top organizations, whether start-ups or multinational organizations, spend their time, energy and resources on maximizing the organization’s social capital. In this context, NeuroLeadership at Work® is defined as: the activity in which leaders create conditions in which everyone can do their courageous thinking and doing. Surprisingly, this does not take great changes, it does involve courageous thinking and doing. Learn how to use the latest in Brain Science to help you be a great leader and move forwards courageously at the speed of business and life. When companies and organizations accept that everyone has value, we will liberate the energy, imagination, and momentum we need to create the best, and move beyond measure. .

With the mindset, skillset and toolset of NeuroLeadership at Work®, individuals, teams, and organizations boldly answer the question: What are you willing to do to create the best and move forwards, beyond measure?


You know great strategies combined with great execution produce results! Leadership is the “how” of strategy and strategy-operations alignment. I enjoy helping businesses and organizations accelerate the impact of leadership. As a global executive coach and trainer combined with my own experience as CEO and business leader I can bring an operator’s lens to today’s leadership development. On a global scale, the very best at what they do ensure there is alignment between the two. You see the critical need for people to understand their roles and responsibilities and execute them. You know communication is the key player and want to build either the essential or advanced skills you and your team need.

Be Aligned and align your team and organization so you can achieve your greatest potential in today's marketplace.

Psychological Safety

You recognize that Psychological Safety, like water, is today’s most essential element for you and your business to flourish. You want to build your Psychological Safety skills. Why? Because you see that when the level of psychological safety is high, the speed of business is fast, life flows, and costs are low. Likewise, you observe that when there is low psychological safety, speed goes down and even comes to a standstill, stresses rise and costs rise. You understand that the solution is simple: build, maintain, and restore psychological safety and trust where needed.

Be a psychological safety leader to build and enhance your entire organization to flow through challenges to achieve your vision.

Project Management
for Non-Project Managers

If your business card does not identify you as a Project Manager, this skill is for you, the Non-Project Manager. Today’s flexible and agile world, the need for project management skills is growing exponentially. Why? Because we are doing more diverse activities in our daily working lives than any time in history and because the complexity of each specific task is increasing. The faster pace, increased complexity and regulations, virtual workplaces place a strain on communication. Cost-cutting exercises impact people and economic resources. Risk requires awareness and management rather than putting out fires. Time constraints are managed differently by different cultures. Project Management skills, for Non-Project Managers are rising because our global work environments have changed and will continue to change. Project Management skills have become the new basic skills for everyone in the workplace and beyond.

For Non-Project Managers the time is now to develop your skills because these are the new “basic skills” of the future.

Project Management
for PMs and Aspiring PMs

Professional Project Management includes much training around “analytics”. Yet, the most critical day to day problems and issues arise when communication is lacking and when no one is championing the project at the level needed. Learning impactful influencing skills and persuasion skills along with negotiation skills can make the projects of your life successful. .

For professional Project Managers, your training and/or certification most likely did not prepare you to effectively influence, negotiate with, and communicate with your stakeholders. No matter where you are in your career, there is always time to acquire these project and life-changing skills.


We hear about Team-building and you are a good team-builder. What about Teaming? Teaming is when people who do not ordinarily work together are called to carry out a project. These can be people whom you have never met before, outside of your organization or even sector. Teaming skills are different from team-building skills.
The need for Teaming is growing rapidly. More and more projects involve Teaming around the world including: Business Development, Corporate and Organizational Transformation, Change Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, Crisis Response & Prevention, Onboarding, Learning & Development, and more. .


Knowing when to integrate team-building and when teaming skills are needed can make or break your next project.

Overcoming Cognitive Bias
and Limiting Beliefs

Most people let their thought processes and minds get in the way of achieving their goals and dreams. This is human physiology and nature. In “survival” mode, these biases can help us. At work, however, they usually hinder setting and achieving objectives. Thus, becoming aware of the Cognitive Biases and Limiting Beliefs which impact our daily lives, at work and at home can help us gain new perspectives so we can take action, differently. Recognizing them in practice, at the moment and taking steps to balance our perspectives can be very challenging with the pressures of the workplace. .

With training and coaching you can become aware of your own biases and those of others. You can also learn to build better relationships, make better decisions, innovate and challenge yourself with new adventures. Take off the blinders.

Case Studies

1:1 Coaching & Training

Having joined the company five years prior and working up through the ranks, the client was asked to take on the role of Managing Director. I was asked to help him through this key transition by providing experience, external perspective, training, andExecutive Coaching to build clarity in what was to come.


An important insight which subsequently set the stage for the strategy and skills to work on emerged from the pre-assessment phase. During the first Coaching session, the client gave himself permission for having made leadership “style” mistakes in the past and was ready to move on to the real challenges with the confidence he needed.
The company goals were to double turnover within 2 years. The client had to work on his decision-making skills and persuasive presentation skills to communicate with his leadership team. Exerting influence, without micromanaging his team. Using trust to increase motivation and opportunities for his team and for the marketplace.


Despite an economic slump, the company defined and implemented better growth improvement measures and reached n.3 in the market, moving up from n.14. As a result, the turnover doubled in a period of 18 months.

Decision-Making Training Workshop & Team Coaching


A US Life Science Company’s Sales & Commercial Leadership Team for the launch of a product in the company’s Specialty product line was having difficulty aligning their strategy with Marketing and Market Access and Medical Affairs colleagues, on a global scale. I was tasked to help the team by providing both fundamental and advanced levels of Decision-making skills training and Team Coaching to build the strategy and the alignment needed with the rest of the organization.


An important insight which subsequently set the stage for the strategy and skills to work on emerged from the pre-assessment phase. During the first Coaching session, the client gave himself permission for having made leadership “style” mistakes in the past and was ready to move on to the real challenges with the confidence he needed.
The company goals included doubling turnover within 2 years. The client had to work on his decision-making skills and persuasive presentation skills to communicate with his leadership team. Exerting influence, without micromanaging his team. Using trust to increase motivation and opportunities for his team and for the marketplace.


Despite an economic slump, the company defined and implemented better growth improvement measures and reached n.3 in the market, moving up from n.14. As a result, the turnover doubled in a period of 18 months.

Be, Beyond Measure

Be Trained using science-based methods to better learn new or ramp up existing skills based on today’s global market needs and your specific needs so that you can determine and take practical steps to be more successful. Train to thrive in today's VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world.

Be Expert Coached implement the critical skills you learn and optimize and to continuously apply more effective mindsets in your real-world VUCA scenario faster.

Be, Beyond Measure Identify and measure what matters to truly thrive, innovate, and unleash the energy and value for your entire organization. Because you get clarity, specific direction on what you need to create the plan and the next steps to move yourself and your team forward in ramping up your career and your organization